Daily Quotes

You don’t know what I’m going through

Interesting how people think your life is easy just because you don’t talk about the things you go through.

Life has never been easy, but I always looked at it from a positive angle. I always wear a smile, because it is the only mask that can properly cover my fears, pains, scars, and tears properly.

You think my life is perfect and easygoing because I don’t talk about it. You are jealous of me and wishing you were in my shoes, can you actually carry the weight of my shoes.

Do you know several nights I had to go to bed on an empty stomach, yet I wake up with a smile that will make you think all is well?

Do you know the nights I cried to sleep, just because of memories of things I have passed through keep haunting me?

Do you know the nights I had panic attacks, I couldn’t breathe, no one was there for me, life was drifting from me, yet I still saw another day?

Have you ever watched everything you ever loved being stolen away from you and you couldn’t do anything to help it?

You don’t know my story or what I have been through. I wake up each day believing I have a reason to see another day, I know I was born for an unfulfilled reason so I’m not ready to give up on life.

I will remain unmoved and unscathed even when life comes with the worse; I know I’m strong, and I can overcome. 

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